Literature Review Blog #5

1.) Visual:
Image result for money

2.) Citation:

Calabrese, Vincent. "The Student as a Consumer and the Death of the Human Mind." The Student as a Consumer and the Death of the Human Mind. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 28 Nov. 2017.

3.) Summary:

This article relates obtaining a degree and attending college to a consumer buying a product, in this case the product being the degree and college being “market-led”. It is argued that a student when placed in this environment will likely approach learning passively and fail to actually become engaged and interested in their education. The concept of consumerism in the environment of a university causes students to develop a reliability for fulfillment. Students want to get a degree to have job security in their futures and have occupations that offer high salaries. Striving to become successful and having a materialistic mindset will cause you to have low enthusiasm, unhappiness, and many other pyschological problems. This eventually causes the mind or one's identity to become the possession or material object itself. An individual who went to school and obtained a college degree would identify themselves by what they have rather than what they actually are. Students blindly listen to lectures, memorize, and study without actively responding to what they are learning and growing from it.

4.) Author: Vincent Calabrese

5.) Key terms:
  • Financial delinquency
  • Stress
  • Undesirable academics
  • fulfillment

6.) Quotes:

1.) "A person [in the market character] is not concerned with his or her life and happiness, but with becoming salable."

2.) "Privatization has lead to a paradigm in which students are “consumers” and degrees are “products,” and this market-driven nature contributes to lower academic performance, less internal growth, and poor mental health for students."

3.) “They are approached with the student-as-consumer mindset due to the privatization of higher education, and this is shifting the motive from a goal of deep, meaningful fulfillment to a goal more along the lines of product acquisition.”

7) Value: The privatization of school creates a consumer like environment that causes students to treat degrees as a product that they obtain through mindless memorizing as opposed to actually engaging oneself which can relate to the overall effect on a student's identity.


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