Literature Review Blog #4

1.) Visual:
Best Way To Pay Off Deb7

2.) Citation:

Steele, James B., and Lance Williams. “Who Got Rich off the Student Debt Crisis.” Reveal, 29 Nov. 2016,

3.) Summary: This article is about how the student loan industry is benefiting and essentially making money off students. The privatized loan program was intended to give more Americans the access to higher education, but the fault in this was to allow students to generate a debt and collect money from these American's pockets and into the banks, private investors, and federal government.

4.) Author: James B. Steele and Lance Williams

5.) Key Terms:
  • Debt
  • Privatizing
  • Loans
  • Higher Education

6.) Quotes:

1) “My loans are a black cloud hanging over me,” she said. “I’m a student debt slave.”

2) "Decades ago, the federal government relinquished direct control of the student loan program, opening its bank to corporations concerned with profits, not diplomas"

3) "At the same time, societal changes conspired to drive up the basic need for these loans: Middle-class incomes stagnated, college costs soared and states retreated from their historical investment in public universities."

7.) Value: This helps me formulate the factors inducing stressful behaviors and anxiety being a prime example of the less affluent being more affected by the system as well as being profited from by private sectors who claim that they are helping students when they're only worsening things.


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